Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A Puzzled Face


How long will this go on for? The winter I mean. I'm not much of a winter sports person, so I really don't see the need for all this snow. And as the Winter Olympics are being held in Canada that's where any snow fall should be directed. I'm lobbying for an early spring. I'm hoping to influence the correct people whoever they are. Oh, and if you are wondering about the self portraits that seem to pop up every now and then, it's just something to do to get away from all the snow photos. And it's quite fun to photoshop stuff. A few years ago I did the 365 project over at flickr. This time I will only shoot a photo per week or so.


  1. Very interesting effect you got there.

    I for one will unfortunately have to lobby against you for an early spring cause it would mean the end of summer down here. LOL. Have a good day

  2. Very creative! It's entertaining just to see what you are going to post next.

  3. Fun and funny effected foto! Nice job Steffe Meister! I'm with you - I'm ready for Spring! I just came inside after snowblowing my driveway and sidewalk for 40 minutes...

  4. Haha. I love the piece you held out and the way you positioned it!

  5. Looking through your photos, you HAVE gotten a lot of snow. Wishing you an early spring.

  6. Really wonderful Steffe. You look great!

  7. I am puzzled by this; I really need to play around with Photoshop. Very creative, Steffe.

  8. Funny! I hope things warm up. It's been hard adjusting from my recent trip to Hawaii.

  9. I've heard of people sort of losing their minds during a long, hard winter...but I've never seen one before! Heh, heh!

    Why that happens? Well, 'tis a puzzle for sure!

  10. Great way to break up the monotony of the snow for you. Love the puzzle effect too.

  11. I feel for you. If you're not into winter sports, then you soon get sick of snow after the novelty wears off. That is precisely why I left Europe and moved into the sunshine. Hang in there Steffe, it won't be much longer.

    Great picture by the way!

  12. Yes, you may lobby for early spring, but I think you guessed correctly that the groundhog had Haninge specifically in mind for 6 more weeks of winter this year. Sorry.

    But you may need about 6 weeks to figure out where that last puzzle piece goes ... fun post today!!

  13. I see your creativity is not affected, but I wish you a very early spring!
