Thursday, July 11, 2024

In the late afternoon

Late afternoon
Roe deer on a field at the Nedersta farm. I see them there most days. The farmer at the 700-year-old farm, Rolf, whom you have met here many years ago, used to set up signs informing people that they should not use his fields for Summer walks, but I don't think he minds the wildlife.


roentare said...

That deer looks magnificent and innocent. Beautiful shot

s.c said...

Beautiful photo and good in composition.

Sharon said...

This is a stunning shot! Simply beautiful.

Catarina said...

He was ready for the picture.

Bill said...

The deer looks right at home in your photo. Nice shot!

RedPat said...

Great shot.

Katerinas Blog said...

Very nice shot!

Jack said...

I sometimes have deer in my yard (and the preserve behind my house). They have such good hearing that if i try to sneak outside to photograph them, they take off immediately before I can get close enough.

William Kendall said...

A beautiful animal.