Thursday, January 05, 2017

Tin Man

Tin Man
The Tin Man doesn't do much. Just stands there, year round waiting for the mail to arrive. I met him at Krigslida yesterday. He wasn't complaining despite the news that the cold weather is likely to stay for at least ten long days. -10C as I'm typing this, where are my long johns?


  1. I am curious about the unit in the wall. Here it would provide heating in the winter and cooling in the summer. I don't think it would give heating at temperatures like you mention, and does it get hot enough to need cooling.

  2. I have one on my wall. A Panasonic. Works perfectly during the Winter. Mine is running right now warming up the house.

  3. You would have a hard time without a heater Steffe, I can't begin to imagine those temperatures!

  4. That tin man must have a little central heating to be able to stand there in the snow.

  5. But is that an air conditioner on the house? Looks like one you might find here. If my guess is right it's more than a little irony.
