Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Armless Snowman

Beach Dude
Took a bike ride to my favorite beach Årsta Havsbad the other day. The beach and the grassy hill were covered with a thin layer of snow. Walking back and forth my hands were soon ice cold from the ocean wind, (can't wear gloves and take pictures). Half way up the snowy hill I met this armless snowman. He told me that it had been a tough weekend with kids skiing down the hill but he hoped to be around for a little while longer.


  1. Snow... on the beach? That's something I'm going to see on our Perth beaches... NEVER!! I like your armless pal :)

  2. Aww poor dude with his lack of arms. Imagine what it must be like for him when he gets an itchy nose!

  3. Snögubben verkar inte ens från första början ha begåvats med några armar. Det ser även lite kritiskt ut vad gäller synen, ögonen har hoppat ur skallen på den stackarn! :-)

  4. He might be armless but he has a fine set of buttons and a very distinguished nose.

  5. Poor fellow. He looks so forelorn without a couple of arms.

  6. Why didn't you find him quickly a couple of arms?

  7. Because I'm a photographer and not a snowman repair guy!

  8. That's a little creepy. Couldn't wipe the sweat off his own brow when the weather warms up.
