Friday, January 30, 2015

First Semla of the Year

First Semla of the Year
The fictive detective Ture Sventon, loved his temlor. He had a speech impediment that made him call them temlor rather than semlor. I bought this one (and one for my mother), at my favorite cafe earlier this week. It was very tasty. Not too expensive at 22SEK per semla.


  1. It looks both delicious and decadent. I'll have to Google the ingredients.

  2. 17:e februari lär jag förhoppningsvis äta en semla... Hur som helst har jag bjudit några kollegor på semlor och vid ett annat tillfälle en semmeltårta. Själv håller jag mig till det officiella datumet att äta denna delikatess ;-)

  3. Love it: 2.35 Euro it's not much for all this!

  4. Nooooooo! Thanks Steffe, now I want a pastry with a big blob of cream on it :)

  5. Ah, so I'm not the only one tormenting people with baked goods today.

    It looks delicious!

  6. Speech impediment or not, I'd eat it and fast.

  7. You have shown these over the years. I have a suspicion that Mr. Steffe is fond of them, too.

  8. The photo makes you hungry but your cardiologist might object.
