Monday, January 05, 2015

Frozen Lake

Frozen Lake
The resent cold spell with -10C temperatures is over. But those cold days was all the the lakes at the Rudan nature reserve needed. This is how the Lower Lake looks today. The ice is thick enough to walk on, I gave it a go. During the Summer this place is popular with both anglers and sunbathers, but they stayed at home today!


  1. It looks peaceful and quiet. . .lovely! Still recovering from the flu but will be posting as soon as I can get out to take some photos. Happy New Year to you!

  2. I might be a bit wary stepping out on that!

  3. There are a few people here that I saw on Saturday that would like to find a spot to jump in the frozen lake. But they had to make do with the town swimming pool.

  4. Really Steffe, you walked out on there? You are braver than I :)

  5. Looks my neck of the woods today. Just add brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
    Love the glass and trees. Paintable.

  6. A spectacular image: we are not really used to this kind of things!

  7. Under dagen har jag sett flera bilder på absolut spegelblanka isar. Viss kyla och ingen nederbörd i kombination med fint solsken ger möjlighet till både fina bilder, som i ditt fall, och underbara isar för långfärdsskridskoåkarna. Vi får se hur länge detta håller i sig...

  8. Nice shot! I'm very jealous of your cool weather today (Although I think -10 might be a tad cold for me too...)
