Wednesday, December 10, 2014

That Old Tree

That Old Tree Focus is overrated
Raining hard form a very grey sky as I'm writing this. But believe it or not we have had a couple of hours with a blueish sky and that's when I visited the old tree. We have even had a few minutes of sunshine, as proven on my second photo. Heading home yesterday I suddenly found myself looking at the sun (don't try that), for the first time in sex six weeks. So I jumped off the bike reached for the camera in the bag, and snapped a quick selfie before continuing home. Opening the photo in PS I realised that I had turned off the auto focus earlier in the day when I was shooting a panoramic view, but as I have heard several photographers say, focus is overrated!


  1. Darn it. I gotta find me a tree. Envious!

  2. The old tree still stands in all kinds of weather. Don't know about that focus thing, though. Try it again with the auto-focus turned on! :)

  3. Seeing the sunshine after so long might make anyone forget everything else.

  4. The tree's looking rather stark but distinctive.

  5. It was the sex comment that got me. What was it that was over-rayted?

  6. Haha! Sex weeks is a long time to wait for anything Steffe :)

  7. Ha ha, a Freudian slip perhaps. Sex means both sex and six in Swedish.

  8. Nice catchlight in the eyes though.

  9. I am glad to hear that focus is overrated...

  10. Hah! Today you one-upped that old tree.
