Friday, May 16, 2014

The Forgotten Greenhouse

The Forgotten Greenhouse Wild Flowers Wild flower
I took the Steel Horse for a ride to one of Tungelsta's forgotten greenhouses. This is Stenvreten, at Karlsro in Tungelsta. Many years ago a woman called Viran Eklöf lived and worked here, but the greenhouse and her little home have been abandoned for many years now. In a few weeks time the fields around the old greenhouse skeleton will be filed with wild flowers, but I did see a few on yesterdays visit.


  1. It's always amazed me how Mother Nature takes over when houses are abandoned. Sometime, however, she fills in the blanks with beauty - such as these wildflowers!

  2. A beautiful flower.

    A few more years, what's left of that greenhouse will be gone.

  3. Blombilder som passar mig i smaken! Men jag tycker nog allra bäst om bilden på det raserade växthuset som jag tycker du fått till mycket bra.

  4. Oh la! What a sad sight that is Steffe.. the wildflowers will cheer things up!

  5. Bildet i midten er min favoritt.

  6. Ironic: beautiful wild flowers around an abandoned greenhouse...
