Saturday, May 17, 2014

That Old Tree

That Old Tree
Last Winter on a cold January day I made my way towards the old tree. Just ahead of me wading in the snow was a couple heading the same way. We talked for a bit and I asked them to pose at the tree. Yesterday I was on the bike and just behind me where that same couple, also on bicycles. So again I asked them to pose at the tree. Just for the fun of it I decided to see if I could combine the two photos.


  1. What a coincidence! And they must be a fun couple to pose twice for you at different times of the year. Great job slicing these together!

  2. You did a great job combining the shots ! Hopefully next time they'll be in their bathing suits.

  3. Ett riktigt kul bildexperiment men också med ingrediensen du vinnlagt dig om att få med där samma par återfinns i både vinter- och vårmotivet. Bra!

  4. This is such an iconic sight for you.
    Luck in life is important too.

  5. Brilliant job. Really cool!

  6. Unbelievable Steffe! You can't even see the join :)

  7. thats a great picture!
    if i were them, i would print and frame it...

    hahahaha, i like stuarts comment

  8. You did well: a good idea and a perfect composition! Bravo!

  9. That worked very nicely! I hope you got their contact info to send them a copy. I would want one!

  10. Very well done, Steffe. I see many of the same people walking. I need to think of a clever way to capture them.

  11. Great work, wonderful picture. I love your "season put together photos".
