Monday, December 05, 2011

Winter Vs. Autumn

Winter Vs. Autumn

To the left is how the tree lined avenue at the 200-year old Hammar estate looks like today. The unused driveway is being fixed. It is supposed to be winter now, but it sure doesn't look like it. To the right how it looked on a misty November day back in 2009. I shot the 2009 photo with the Canon 300d, and the winter photo with the Canon 550d.


  1. Nice before and after effect.

  2. First thing I noticed was the sky Steffe, in both images the trees have no leaves, but in one the sky is clear blue and the other cloudy. Nice comparisons as always.

  3. Definitely a 250d difference! Great idea and a beaut subject.

  4. An interesting contrast. Not sure which side I like better here. But I'm leaning towards autumn b/c of the red leaves. :)

  5. Easy to prefer the new version, but ecen the real winder one has something good.

  6. I love your compsarison shots like this- really clever and a good idea- fascinating place

    Chrissy at Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

  7. It would be a real dream for me to live at a place like that as long as it had a handyman included in the deal! Nice to catch up on your blog this morning, Steffe!

  8. This would suit the before/after theme for this week's Digital Photography School assignment perfectly!
