Tuesday, December 06, 2011

The old Dodge

Dodge Polara


Spotted this 1966 Dodge Polara parked at the grill in Tungelsta. Seems to be in very good condition. The owner, (a young guy with some serious tattoos), was enjoying lunch and I asked him if I could take some snaps of his "raggarbil", and he was obviously fine with that. There's another photo of the Polara in black and white at flickr.


  1. Wonderful find Steffe right down to the furry dice hanging from the inside mirror, how 70's is that!!

  2. That car has been very well cared for. Brings back memories!

  3. Thats a nice ride. I love the furry dice, though I cannot imagine having them in my car.

  4. If you are a "Raggare" you have to have at least one furry dice in your car, I think that is a rule!

  5. Love this post! I've yet to get a license but this would be a kind of car I'd want to ride...or maybe I'll just let the tattoo guy drive for me ;D

  6. It's an impressive beauty, from front to back. It helps that the dice is hanging around right near the middle! Heheh, you found a nice item lying around... and congrats to the owner who keeps the car. Despite the age, it looks pretty well-maintained.
