Tuesday, November 08, 2011

1956 Citroën

Autumn Parking

I stopped at Solakullen in Tungelsta, for a chat with the owner, Gunnar, and decided to take a few photos of one of his cars. He has a garage where he repair French cars. This is one on Gunnar's cars. A 1956 Citroën Berline 11 Sport.


  1. cette traction avant est magnifique

  2. I don't know much about Citroens, but I would have thought this was from about 1936, not 1956!

  3. Puts me in mind of Ann Sheridan, and Sydney Greenstreet et al. I agree with Lowell ... transports me much further back than 1956. What a treasure to be able to experience, Steffe.

  4. My second try with that odd technique I told you about a while back. This is a number of photos stitched together.

  5. What a relic - a piece of history!
    C'est formidable!

  6. We don't see many Citroens here especially that old! A beauty!

  7. I wouldn't mind having that at my house. I don't know that I have ever seen one.
