Sunday, September 04, 2011

You can't take photos here...

What's the Time?

Market Day

Yesterday was the annual Tungelsta Day. It's not a day I look forward to. The event is very boring. Hopefully that will have changed to next year, at least that is what I have heard. We have a green park here and for some reason it is never used during this day. You could have all sorts of performances there. On the former tennis courts in front of the gymnasium there was a flea market, and on the soccer field (second photo), a few organisations were informing about this and that. You could also buy flowers, crocs, and very cheap wristwatches. I have a thing for watches so I had a look at the stand and decided to take a few photos. And that's when the following conversation took place. You can't take photos here. Yes I can, I just did. But these are my watches, you can't photograph them. Sure I can, we are at a market, on a soccer field, it's a public space. I could even take photos of you if I wanted to. No you couldn't. Yes I could. This went on for a bit, and then I told the idiot that I would tell the world what a great salesperson he was. All the wristwatches had the same price tag, 125 SEK. I didn't buy one.

For a better look at the 360 panorama press here.


  1. i guess he didn't have 'time' for you.

  2. Wow, a bargain for "genuine" watches! Tell him that it is great advertising for his legal business.

  3. Sounds like an idiot - what harm could taking a photo of his watches cause!

  4. Do think he is selling something that he got from a life of crime? Me thinks so.

  5. I got kicked out of a football stadium yesterday for having too long a lens. Not everyone appreciates us, but I can live with that.

  6. Perhaps it was the most exiting thing on a boring day ;-) At least the picture looks very nice. I like patterns and lines in the things we look at.

  7. I was in a lovely restored theatre before the performance and caught hell for taking a pic - no flash or anything. Fools are everywhere! I can understand if your guy was making the watches like an artist may not want you to take a pic of their work since there is so much boot-leg stuff coming onto the market that has been copied.

  8. You're a tough customer, Steffe!

  9. Some people are what we call, "Jerks." It sounds like he was a jerk. Maybe his watches are those made to look like more expensive watches.

    There used to be a man in an overcoat who would pull both sides of his overcoat open as if he was naked underneath and was exposing himself, but in reality he had both sides of his overcoat loaded with cheap wrist watches that were made to look like expensive wrist watches.

  10. Haha!
    Du är en kunglig underhållare Steffe :)
    Hur ofta sker det att du får förklara dig så här? Typ att vi inte bor i Ryssland, med tanke på att du är ute så ofta och tar så jättemånga bilder?

  11. Nästan aldrig faktiskt. Vilket är positivt. En del undrar om jag fotar för någon lokalblaska.
