Saturday, February 12, 2011

Winter Road

Winter Road

In a few months time I will stop here again for a spring version. This is the road I usually walk down once a week when I am heading for the old tree. To get there you turn right up where the fence turns to the right. This photo is a couple of weeks old, I have been going back and forth between the bed and the bathroom for the last 24 hours or so.


  1. Beautiful lead in line and lighting here! Very nice!

  2. i think you are sick (as i assume the snow is not THAT bad that you only want to stay in bed since the past 24 hours... )
    get well soon! a good opportunity to go through old photos... this one is nice!

  3. Wonderful image. Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well.

  4. That is a pretty scene. I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Sounds like a touch of Delhi-belly; hope it passes - if you don't mind the pun.

  6. Maybe you already know? Beside the road bend to the left is a graveyard with 20 graves dated from the stone, bronze and iron ages. More info at Use the the search word "Välsta".

  7. Vilken vacker bild! Motiv och ton ... och känsla
