Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Old Castle

The Old Castle

Time for another different seasons diptych. This time I give you two views of Årsta Castle in Österhaninge. The left part of the diptych is how the castle looked on Sunday as I passed it after a visit to the beach. To the right how it looked in late May of 2008 with the blooming rapeseed in front of the old castle. The castle is open for visitors, and there's a decent restaurant here, but you need to look out for all the golf players!


  1. Wow, that's gorgeous. I love your photos. I love photography, but I'm a lousy photographer. I have one really stellar photo that happened quite by accident when I was taking pictures of wildflowers at the age of 10 using an old brownie camera. Sadly, a fluke.
    Two thumbs up to your awesome skills.

  2. Another fine diptych. That rapeseed in blossom is such a wonderful foreground for that white castle.

  3. Wow, what a fabulous comparison, great work!

  4. gorgeous and very creative to show the comparison. the rapeseed adds such pretty color to the scene.

  5. belle idee ces deux saisons, et quel changement de couleur

  6. Very cool diptych! I'm inspired to give that a try sometime! Vi flygger til Goteborg over Kopenhamn idag!

  7. Really neat!

    I bet it's a nice golf course as well.

  8. I always love your diptychs.

  9. Your 'before and after thing' is always shown in a brilliant way! Also it's very interesting realizing how the castle concept varies within Europe. Great post!

  10. Thanks all. The diptychs are fun to do. Especially the Summer vs. Winter ones. It's not a big castle by any means, but it has a long history, going back around7 00 years.
