Sunday, February 01, 2009

Four Seasons

4 Seasons

Theme Day. Paths and Passages. Every week for one year I stopped and took a photo here at this path in Håga. It's a shortcut through a small birch forest. Very popular with joggers and dog owners (and there's a pet cemetery around the corner). My routine was to set up the shot and wait a few minutes. If no one walked by I would have to make due with the path. Luckily for me I managed to get a few passers-by to pose for me during that year. Here are four photos showing the four seasons of the year in a little collage. If you want to have a look at all 53 photos you can see a slideshow here.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. A great collage. You are a dedicated photographer; one a week!

  2. nice selection, i prefer the last one with the snow, i wish it was snowing more in here.

  3. How often we photograph the same image, but the results are always so varied. Excellent idea as a collage.

  4. Beautiful area and a great idea!

  5. Great interpretation of theme day. I like the path and your slideshow.

  6. What a clever idea!

  7. You can sense the seasons clearly!

  8. Love the slideshow - would make a great movie, too

  9. This is breathtaking, Steffe. Just love the photographs showing so clearly the seasons but also the uses to which this path is put. Of course I adore the dogs...

  10. A walk down a path is the beginning of a story, and these are lovely shots to imagine stories with.

  11. tastic idea and realisation. Lovely collage.

  12. Great idea, all shots are super and how did you know the theme for this month a year ago?

  13. Wonderful concept to match theme day. You have shared a pathway and a passage of time.

    Of the slide show photos I like January 23rd the best.

  14. One of my favorite projects ...nice job! Hey I didn't realize you were doing the daily photo too :)


  15. This is a wonderful collage! Great concept. The people help to put it over the top.

  16. You are a dedicated photographer! It's very nice to see the path in different seasons.
