Monday, February 02, 2009

Half a House

Half a House

This was the scene at Stenliden a couple of days ago. The demolition work continued, and I knew I had to stop and capture this shot. Not very often that you see something like this. This house was build around 1920 and has a lot of history. Read my previous posts about Stenliden here.


  1. Hi Steffe, great picture, I have been going through your blog and Flickr site, interesting stories about the houses. There are a lot of Dutch surnames in your stories. I guess a lot of Dutch moved to Sweden in the 1700. So the history books say, and I must say that I did encountred Dutch surnames when I was in Sweden. Cheers from Marcel

  2. It looks like it was a cute old house. Too bad it had to go.

  3. There is something very sad about this photo.

  4. it's always sad to see a house being demolished - so many memories !!!

  5. It really is sad to see this place gone. I passed by there earlier today and the demolishing team was finishing their work, the last to go was the chimney. I don't have the numbers Marcel, but yes, we did see a large number of Dutch people move to Sweden back then.

  6. what a picture. nice catch Steffe!

  7. Sorry I'd missed that photo back in 2009 - this half house is amazing.

    I really like linkwithin, it's great to have a chance to go back to older posts !
