Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Tattooed Man


We were both on our bikes heading for Västerhaninge when I caught up with Leffe, or Linkan as he is called. I noticed his tattoos (hard not to), and we started to talk while still on the bikes. I suggested that we would stop for a chat and we did. Leffe lives in Sorunda and is a fitness freak. He is an old marathon runner, but a neck injury prevents him from running, so these days he gets his exercise from long bike rides or from exploring caves. He is also a tattoo addict. I got my first tattoo 40 years ago and usually adds one per year he told me. Check out the cool tattoos on his legs. Leffe owns a Harley Davidson and is a member of the same motorcycle club as Gizzen who he knows. And he is the second stranger to tell me some really scary stories about Micke and his driving. And he promised to visit both Café Grindsjön and the Find the Flow Café, so it will not be to long before all my strangers know each other!
This is my 67th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set.


  1. I met Leffe today. He was happy to be alive. He had an accident earlier this summer. He was on his way home on the Harley when he collided with a moose. He was airlifted to hospital. He broke fifteen bones and was on morphine for three weeks. The recovery will take one year.
