Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Crime Preventers

The Crime Preventers

I was having lunch at Årsta Brygga today when Sune Nilsson and one of his crime fighting buddy's showed up for an ice cream. They are always out patrolling the streets, looking to prevent crime. They hadn't spotted any bad guys today. I suggested that the criminals were on holiday.


  1. What flavour?

  2. Det är c:a 170 Haningebor engagerade i det som kallas Grannstöd. Man patrullerar dagligen kommunen i två Toyota miljöbilar för att öka tryggheten i boområdena.
    Verksamheten har pågått sedan 1999.
    Grannstöd finns på ytterligare 7 platser i Sthlm
