Saturday, December 28, 2024

Lake Flaten

Flatenbadet Hitting the beach Flatenbadet Flatenbadet
Unusually warm for late December, around 8C on this day. Cycling home from Stockholm, I decided to take a longer route home, with a pit-stop at Lake Flaten. Not too many people in my photos, but there were lots of people out walking. There is a popular trail around the lake. I walked around it with a friend a few Summers ago.


  1. Wishing you many fun, safe miles on your bicycle. I enjoyed this photo essay. Thank you, aloha!

  2. It sounds like a lovely day for a bike ride and a peaceful stop at Lake Flaten! The warmer weather must have made for a refreshing break, especially in December. I hope you get to enjoy more walks around the lake in the future! I invite you to read my new blog post:

  3. I was just thinking that it looked very quiet around the water. It was a good time to be there.

  4. It is warm here too but very grey like in your shots.

  5. Looks good but indeed for a bit better weather.
