That time of the year again. I took a photo of this ghost a while back on a day when the Canon worked overtime. But managed to lose all the photos on that memory card because I thought I had already transferred the photos to the pc when I left home the following day. Only the second time I have done that, btw. This is at Drottninggatan in Stockholm, the busiest pedestrian street in the country, and I walked back solely to take this photo.
Great shot! Halloween is creeping up on us.
ReplyDeleteThat Halloween feeling is really everywhere.
ReplyDeleteWe have all made mistakes like that. And then we laughed them off and take more wonderful photos! Wishing you a lovely weekend and Halloween. Aloha!
ReplyDeleteIt does look like a good spook. Glad that you went back.
ReplyDeleteFantastic shot! There's Halloween stuff for sale all over the towns right now
ReplyDeleteNice shot! We have all lost pictures at some point.