Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sixteen recent photos

The artist Here come the girls Sony Fika to go Kamera Jerusalem kebab Köpmantorget What are we looking at? In the shade Pennywise Under kastanjen Grillska huset Just checking And in here... Grändens Café En kokt korv med bröd, tack
Sixteen recent photos. Usually when I write that, I have made another collage. But this time it is sixteen photos from a stroll in the old town. Artist painting the famous buildings at Stortorget. Girls in an alleyway. Asian photographer with a unique method. Aim left, look right, press the button. Military eating and walking with his parents. Cool camera. Jerusalem kebab, an old town classic. Smart phoning at Köpmanstorget. More military with family members. In the shade at Stortorget. Scary clown. Under kastanjen, a popular restaurant. Fika at Grillska huset. More smart phoning. Tour guide. Another alleyway. And we end with a hot dog buyer because all this walking is making me hungry.