Friday, May 10, 2024

Medieval Market

Ima get medieval on your ass! The crowd pleaser Plate armour Medieval Music The Spanish Inquisition! Viking
A few photos from the annual Medieval market at The King's Garden. Superb weather. The park was packed with people. All the restaurants were filled to capacity. The Cherry Blossom peaked so everywhere I went it was people, people, people. And a few warriors in body armor. One of them attacked me the second I lifted the camera! Also, a bunch of Vikings cooking food and selling everything you would find at a Medieval market.Mr. Pink was also there as per usual. He is a well known street entertainer who has worked all over Europe. I first met him 12 years ago. I also heard the Viking band Medvind perform. Their first song was a snapsvisa!


  1. I would love to go to one of these markets. The shots are great!

  2. What a fun day that would have been.

  3. Those guys in armor are really attractive! And now I know what a snapvisa is. Skol!

  4. Wow great event to photograph Stefan.

  5. I can just imagine the weight of that armor.
