Friday, November 03, 2023

Old Town Facades

Axel Oxenstiernas palats The runestone building
Two photos from my recent walk around the old town. Top photo shows Axel Oxenstiernas palace from 1653. Designed by the architect Jean de la Vallée. Located just one hundred meters from the Royal Palace. Second photo shows what is known as the Runestone building, named so because a few hundred years ago a runestone was found to have been used in the construction of the building that is located at Kåkbrinken at Stortorget. I am yet to photograph the runestone, but press here to see it.


  1. The building at the top is gorgeous nd beautifully photographed.

  2. Wonder if it was placed there on purpose, or by accident. My guess is the former.
    Nice photos. Such clarity.

  3. So neat and polished! Great shots

  4. The runic inscription looks like this: ᚦᚬᚱ[..]ᛅᛁᚾ ᛫ ᛅᚢᚴ ᛫ ᚠᚱᛅᚤᚴᚢᚾ ᛫ ᚦᛅᚢ[...] ᛫ ᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ ᛫ ᛁᚠᛏᛁᛦ [...] ᛋᚢᚾ ᛋᛁᚾ.

    It dates back a millennium. Translated, it says Torsten och Frögunn raised the stone in memory of their son.

  5. Looks good and took a peak one the runestone. What a nice relict from the past and the protection of it with an old ships cannon and a little roof of metal is extra-ordinare.

  6. Looks grand and nicely photographed.

  7. Beautiful especially the 1st one.

  8. Thank you for the translation. It is touching. I hadn't expected that, but then I know zero about rune stones.
