Sunday, November 12, 2023

Lyko Chaos

Lyko Chaos
Lyko, named after the guy who came up with the idea, Rickard Lyko, opened a new store in Stockholm yesterday. Promising free goodie bags to the 500 first customers. Supposedly worth several thousand kronor. So guess what happened, a thousand or so teenage girls showed up near the store the day before. They then spent the evening there. And the night. In the cold Swedish weather. Parents kept them company here and there for an hour or two. One or two security guards dropped by. But no assistance from the store whatsoever. Then, when the store opened on Saturday morning, chaos followed as no one had set up any queuing rules. People jumping the queue. Fights erupted because of that. Girls crying left and right. Police showing up. Parents calling the media. Journalists writing articles. Parents now angry. The teenage girls missing out on the goodie bags even angrier. The owner of the store realizing their mistake now trying to please everyone. So I had to drop by for a look, everything a bit calmer by then. But I am guessing the girls will remember this for a while, as will Lyko.


  1. That, as they say, is a cluster****.

  2. I bet they will think twice before they do that again.

  3. haha. I mentioned Sweden a day ago as being a place I thought was rational in behavior. I forgot about teenage girls. Beauty products!!!! Evidently Lyko assumed rationality as well but as roentare said, everybody wants a freebie.

  4. Three thousand people contacted the store after the chaos, saying that they wanted a free goodie bag so now the store is refusing to give anyone anything, so clusterfuck is a good description.
