Sunday, November 05, 2023

Along the canal

Djurgårdsbrunnsbron View from a bridge Along the canal Strolling The canal Johansdal Horsin' Around The canal View from a bridge Djurgårdsbrunnskanalen
After crossing the bridge seen in yesterday's post, I followed the canal, Djurgårdsbrunnskanalen in Swedish, to the end, past two other bridges, and here are the photos I took. It is a great walk this, anytime of the year, but Spring and Autumn are my favorites. The house that you can see in one photo is a classic "Grosshandlarvilla". The man who had it built back in 1851, Johan Bäckström, named it after himself. I will continue the walk tomorrow.


  1. The views along the canal are absolutely beautiful. Fall's display of beauty is outstanding.

  2. The views are so magnificent!

  3. Some really nice photos here and yesterday....autumn's best. I looked up the canal, hard to believe it is part of the city. No crowds.

  4. Great color show again of nature. Very beautiful.

  5. Seeing these scenes really lifts the spirits. Such a beautiful area.
