Saturday, September 16, 2023

Week of Action

Amnesty Photographer Photographer Mynttorget Give children a future People not profit Mynttorget Week of Action Week of Action Lion Save the Climate
Week of Action got under way yesterday. I stopped by the protest at Mynttorget, or Greta Thunberg's Place, as I think it should be called now. Greta and maybe 100 other climate activists from Friday's For Future and a few other organizations were there talking and also singing. Always a bit of a surreal feeling here. Lots of police because of the location at the Royal Palace and Parliament building and tourists visiting the old town, so she picked a good location when she got this movement under way a few years ago.


  1. I hope it helps but fear it will take more than demonstration.

  2. Greta is a very brave young person. We could use more people like her.

  3. It is nice to see so many young people involved. There also seem to be seniors but few middle-aged people in your pics. Interesting.

  4. It is a great form of street photography showing what people do to have a voice
