Friday, June 09, 2023


Racetrack Kaknästornet We are being photographed Åskådare Hat Parade Nationaldagsgaloppen White Straw Hat Nationaldagsgaloppen Dress Code Flag Day
We celebrated our National Day earlier this week. I decided to check out the highlight of the Swedish horse racing calendar as it is usually described. The Nationaldagsgaloppen. At Gärdet in Stockholm, where a temporary racetrack have been set up on this day for the last decade. And as you can see in this first post, I was not the only one there. There were a number of horse races, a hat parade, some fun for the kids and more. The weather was perfect. 21C, maybe. Gärdet is a massive green field, usually when I bike across it, I will meet a few people running, or walking their dogs, but as you can see here there were thousands of happy people celebrating Nationaldagen.


  1. That butterfly hat is so ridiculous, I almost want it!

  2. Wow, lots of people everywhere.

  3. So many people! And a good time was had by all from the looks of it.

  4. So much human energy in your city. Now comes the horse racing too.

  5. I was guessing on my Swedish (non-existant, as you know), and thought "dog racing?" for dagsgalopen. Well, then I looked at the crowd. Sure enough, horses. So horses galopen. Looks like a beautiful day.
