Friday, March 03, 2023


My routine when I arrive home is to jump off the bike and park it on the lawn in front of the cellar door. I then hose it down as it is often a bit on the muddy side, especially this time of the year. Ebikes are heavy. Mine weighs 22 kilos, so after cleaning it, I roll it over to the stairs before I unlock the door. I then lift the bike up the stairs and into the house, where I clean the chain. I did all that yesterday as well, but not before shouting hurrah as I noticed this crocus on the same lawn. The first real sign of Spring!


  1. Vibrant and energetic bloom!

  2. A good sign that spring on the way.

  3. That certainly lifts the spirits. We are due for a blizzard tonight.

  4. Spring is being slow to show here...not the temperatures, they've been usual, but the lack of rain I think has retarded things a bit. So it would be lovely to see a bit of color...brown and beige here at present. (A few ornamental pear trees, and native redbud trees, have started a bit of a show....but they're not lush). Have not seen any sign of the usual spring bulbs...daffodils, crocus, etc. So ENJOY! Meanwhile, oof. I cannot imagine toting that bike upstairs. Any bike. Glad you are in good shape!!!
