Saturday, December 24, 2022


Christmas at Ersta Fönster Ersta sjukhus
I took a walk at Ersta Diakoni a couple of days ago. Located at Fjällgatan on Södermalm in Stockholm. It is a not for profit", "voluntary" and "idealistic" organisation. I could not find a better English word which was weird. In Swedish we call it a "ideell" organisation. Anyway, they operate a hospital, social engineering education and more. The word diakon btw, is Greek and means to serve. They have been around here at Ersta since 1863. I usually come here for two reasons. The great view over Stockholm, and also to check up on the building sites as Ersta Diakoni are currently busy building a new hospital across the street from their old place. The architecture is a bit different, hence the third photo.


  1. Yes where should you place the candlesticks?

  2. That third window is quite different from the first two.
    Merry Christmas!!

    1. The whole facade of the new hospital looks like that. It is a big construction site as the city is currently building a station, to a new metro line here.

  3. Very beautiful pattern of windows and intersecting lines. If that were a hospital, the patients would be like caged chickens inside lol

  4. I like the one with the candlesticks.
