Friday, December 02, 2022

A winter visit to the beach

Skönstavik Winter Beach Drevviken The terrace house
On my way to Stockholm on the ebike earlier in the week I decided to stop at the Hökarängen beach at Lake Drevviken and here are a few photos. It was a fine Winter day. Maybe 3C and the snow was slowly melting away. This is the lake where I shot the ice skaters last Winter and if the cold weather returns next week as promised, the ice will start to form here once again.


  1. But it may be cold but looks wonderful.

  2. The lake is so calm and flat that it is reflecting beautifully.

  3. Fabulous reflections but it does look cold. That is about the same temp as we are having.

  4. Incredible snow lake! Reflections wow too
