Saturday, November 05, 2022

A room with a view

Best Western Hotel at 108
Best Western Hotel at 108. Newish hotel at Sveavägen in Stockholm, just across the street from The Public Library. A bit of a controversy here a couple of years ago as the owner Richard Ghneim decided without permission to construct rooms underground. Also, a Taco Bar here if you like that sort of thing. The building dates back to 1907, the architect was Andreas Gustaf Sällström. Back then it was a public bath with two swimming pools here. It was known as Sveabadet. Oh, and the view thing. From the hotel you have a good view over the Observatorielunden. And photos from there to come, stay tuned.


  1. 1907! The building looks like it is brand new... and spotlessly clean.

  2. Nice old building. I like it.

  3. I like the architecture. I hope the owner was penalized at least.

  4. What a fine building. That would be nice place to stay.

  5. A very nice looking place and I might even try the taco bar.

  6. The great western over my end is often a dingy looking motel with its toilets often broken. You have a magnificent looking hotel there
