Wednesday, November 09, 2022

A day at the market

A day at the market Hötorgskonst OMG
You can always shop at the market at Hötorget, (Haymarket), in Stockholm. My great-grandparents sold their produce there a century ago. Six days of the week it is a good place for flowers, mushrooms and that sort of thing. But on Sundays it looks a bit different. That is when the flea market people take over. I am always impressed by the huge interest for buying second hand CDs, crappy oil paintings and more. But it was fun to walk around, listening to people haggle on everything from old kitchen utensils to weird looking hats and stuff that I could not figure out what they were. And no, I did not buy anything, I was there for the photos. Oh and about the second photo. Hötorgskonst is a word that means mass-produced art without any real value. Back in the day, you could always find and buy that sort of art at the Haymarket (Hötorget), in Stockholm, hence the term.


  1. Also my favorite place to take photo's Stefan.

  2. That would be fun to just explore.

  3. The appeal of flea markets always baffles me.

  4. Flead= markets here are very popular in the bigger cities and they are fun to explore.

  5. They are always fun places to poke about.

  6. Great for photos but I'm trying to get rid of stuff, not buy more.
