Saturday, August 20, 2022

Free Beer!

Free beer!
Sort of, anyway. Lapin Kulta 0,0. Götgatsbacken a couple of warm days ago.


  1. From an ad Andy: Alcohol free Lapin Kulta is made of 100 % Finnish barley, near our brewery. The water is pure groundwater filtered by the Nordic ridge. Lager is beautiful copper in color, and fruity and citrus in taste supported by a rich foam.

  2. Interesting dynamic going on there.

  3. The guy with the baseball cap asked if he could get more than one beer. The woman with the back to me was getting ready to take a photo with her smartphone. The guy to the left was the first person to get a free beer. The couple to the right took a few after I snapped my photo.

  4. Free beer seems like a good way to attract some attention.

  5. Yelling "free Beer" would certainly attract attention.
