Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Stockholm Marathon III

A shy smile Paula Zart Krebs Linda-Mari Rostmark Johanna Ankarsköld Nathalie Traxel Lilac Runner
Here are six female Marathon runners. First out with a shy smile is Lisa Johansson. Next we see Paula Zart Krebs from Brazil. Followed by Linda-Mari Rostmark. In the fourth photo Johanna Ankarsköld, who finished the race in just over four hours. She is followed by the German runner Nathalie Traxel. And lastly we have the Lilac Runner. Heini Jurva from Finland. Tomorrow it's the day of the dudes, stay tuned.


  1. There were a lot of runners. It is popular here too, but not for me..:(

  2. Always good to pic some pretty girls. Nice again Stefan.

  3. Listening to tunes or lost in their thoughts while they do the long run. Nice shots, Stefan.

  4. They all look pleased to have their pic taken.

  5. Hard work but they look like they are enjoying it
