Saturday, June 18, 2022

Around the Castle

Häringe slott Häringe Available Seating Häringe slott Castle Window Åskhimmel
After my pasture walk, I jumped back on the bike and pedaled over to the Haninge side of the nature reserve for a quick visit at the Häringe castle. I have shown you some views of the castle, and it's surrounding areas before, but there is always more to see. Here are a few sculptures. The East Wing. My faorite bench. Blooming bushes at the pond, a secured window, castle style. I shot the last photo from the tree lined alley leading up to the castle after seeing a flash of lightning and the sound of thunder.


  1. That stone bench is a sculpture on itself. What a nice work.

  2. What a beautiful place. Good thing you headed out before the storm got to close.

  3. Gorgeous photographs.The slightly off-kilter bench is full of personality!

  4. The secured window has me intrigued.
