Monday, February 14, 2022

The Orthodox Cemetery

The Orthodox Cemetery
Aleksander Paulus
I bought a used Canon R a while back. This was my first photo with the mirrorless camera. I also bought the Viltrox adapter, and the Viltrox 85mm lens. I got to try them out on a visit to the Woodland Cemetery at Enskede in Stockholm last week. I headed over to the Orthodox area of the cemetery for a few photos of the cross and I also found the grave of Aleksander Paulus, an Estonian orthodox clergyman.


  1. A french cross and a nice eyeglass frame. Interesting finds Stefan.

  2. A version of the cross rarely seen here.

  3. I really like the 2nd one, it shows who the person was.

  4. I don't know zilch about all those camera numbers, but the second photo has clarity and detail that's rather amazing. As is the sculpture of the face, which is very detailed and highly realistic. And the pine needles along side are so clear. (Maybe what I'm seeing here that is always the case in your photos, but....striking to me at the moment.)
