Monday, December 27, 2021

Four Steps of Separation

Four steps of separation
The brother, Tomas, lives in Spain, in Barcelona. He has a brand-new office in Athens, Greece. Last he was there, he got a guide book about Sweden! From his Swedish colleague, Peter, who is married to an American woman. Lynn, who has a British friend, Neil, who after living and working in Sweden for twenty years wrote this guide book about Sweden. So I will now read it to figure out what I have been doing wrong all my life! Oh, and the brother got the guide book about Spain btw.


  1. It will be good to learn about yourself!

  2. It's such a small world with all those international relations.
    I wonder what you will learn about Sweden.

  3. oh that'll be interesting to see if they get anything right.

  4. Ha. Soon you will know all. I myself am waiting for a Guidebook of Essential Customs and Culture of Texas. Having spent most of my 76 years here, and often feeling like a stranger in a strange land.
