Friday, September 24, 2021

Climbing to the top

Climbing to the top
Reaching for the top of the world's largest spherical building, Avicii Arena at Johanneshov. I spotted these guys earlier in the week. They are from a company called Klätterservice. They have been busy cleaning the Globe Arena. You might remember a photo from early August titled SkyView. So it is up to you now, climb up with the help of these guys, or go with the Gondola.


  1. This is a job I could never do... but I do like photographing people at work.

  2. Oh my, I think I'll just stay on the ground.

  3. I'll pass on that job and just take photos, thank you.

  4. Holy Crap! I think not. I get a little dizzy just looking at the picture. Good shot though.

  5. I will supervise from the ground.
