Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
A Rose for Greta Garbo
Born, Greta Lovisa Gustafsson, in Stockholm 1905. Dead in 1990 at a hospital in New York. Buried at Skogskykogåden in 1999. Garbo's only relative, a niece, Gray Reisfield couldn't decide where the actress should be buried. She was afraid that someone might steal the urn. It was kept at a funeral home in New York until it was decided that Garbo's ashes should be buried at Skogskyrkogården. Greta Garbo
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Moment of Zen
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Keeping a safe distance
Two people enjoying the Brittsommar weather at a concrete pier at Södra Hammarbyhamnen, Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm. The last remaining Covid-19 restrictions will be removed in Sweden tomorrow. Facts here if anyone is interested.
Monday, September 27, 2021
e-scooter girl
I have never tried riding on an e-scooter. And chances are I never will. In Stockholm, you see them everywhere. Mostly after someone just dumped them on the walkway, or in the middle of the bike path. This girl probably enjoyed her ride around town as it was a glorious Autumn day. Last time I checked, there were around 14 000 e-scooters in the Capital. The different companies that owns the ones you can rent will have to pay a fine for every e-scooter they don't properly park, which would be most of them.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
The Woodland Cemetery
The monument hall at the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Skogskyrkogården at Enskede in Stockholm. The second and third photos shows Almhöjden, also known as the meditation hill. The cemetery was designed 100 years ago by two 30-year old architects, Gunnar Asplund and Sigurd Lewerentz. They won an international competition with their entry, called Tallum. The fourth photo shows the crematorium and the big cross. Funny story here, there are two people in that photo. I figured that they were shooting mobile phone photos to post to Instagram, so when I got home that day I did an Instagram search and found the photo they had just taken. I am that good! On the fifth photo you can see the path leading up to the cross. If you walk down from the meditation hill you can follow a path called Sju brunnars stig. In English, The Seven Springs Way. The 888-meter long path ends at a chapel called Uppståndelsekapellet. The path was there even before the cemetery was built, and that is how the architects worked, using the natural landscape. There are much more to see here and I will probably show you more soon.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
The Final Destination
I have made three or four recent visits to a cemetery at Enskede in Stockholm. It is called Skogskyrkogården. One hundred thousand souls rest here. It is a very special place. World-famous, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I bike past it every time I go to and from Stockholm. As you can see, it has its own bus service. I will show you more photos from here tomorrow.
Friday, September 24, 2021
Climbing to the top
Reaching for the top of the world's largest spherical building, Avicii Arena at Johanneshov. I spotted these guys earlier in the week. They are from a company called Klätterservice. They have been busy cleaning the Globe Arena. You might remember a photo from early August titled SkyView. So it is up to you now, climb up with the help of these guys, or go with the Gondola.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
At the nature park
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Mother moose and calves
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Monday, September 20, 2021
Brittsommar/ Indian summer
Street photos from last week. The guy lying down enjoying the Brittsommar weather was waiting for the ferry at Nybrokajen. The couple out walking looked interesting, spotted them at Strandvägen, the guy has a massive body tattoo. The girl also out walking along Strandvägen summed up the weather perfectly, both Summer and Autumn at the same time. The last two photos are from "Kungsan" , short for Kungsträdgården, or King's Garden.
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Protecting and Serving
Saturday, September 18, 2021
City Hall Park
Friday, September 17, 2021
King & Queen & The Royal Guards
By sheer luck, I happened to be at the Royal Castle at Gamla stan in Stockholm just as the Royal Guards were leaving, so I decided to stick around for a while. On the top photo, you can see H.M. Konung Carl XVI Gustaf and H.M. Drottning Silvia on their way to the Swedish Parliament for the opening of the Riksdag session. Riding in the "Sjuglasvagnen". The following photos show the Royal Guards, or Högvakten as we like to call them. I was on my fast eBike, so I managed to shoot them from a few different locations. Oh, and on the last photo that thingy on his head looks just like my feather duster!
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Modern Parenting
Parenting Children in the Age of Screens. Spotted at a bus stop at Slussen recently. We have experienced a few warm summer-like days, when that happens in early Autumn we call that Brittsommar, after Birgitta's name's day. The baby in the stroller was talking, or at least trying to talk a few seconds before I took the photo, because everyone in the photo were laughing then.
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Hug a Transformer
This Transformer, Bumblebee was standing at the commuter hub, Slussen in Stockholm, a couple of days ago. He wanted hugs, and he got them, mostly from teenagers. He also wanted some financial help, because it was not just a photo-op. His wife, who had defeated cancer, now needed help paying her living conditions. There was a Swish number for anyone who wanted to help. I Googled the number and a few people had reported this as a scam, but it looked legit there on the square.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Whose car is it?
Monday, September 13, 2021
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Mother Goddess
Saturday, September 11, 2021
The Minesweeper
I got a friendly reminder from one of the readers of this photo blog. It was Roger who informed me about an event happening at the Gålö peninsula in Haninge today. He is a member of Föreningen M 20. They operate the military museum Veteranflottiljen at the Gålö base, and they are having an open house today. I won't be able to make it as I'm on my way to a car meet, but here is a photo of one of their ships, the minesweeper M 20. Shot not too long ago at Örlogsdagarna in Stockholm.
Friday, September 10, 2021
The Trobadour
There he is Evert Taube, at Järntorget in Gamla stan, not far from his favorite Inn, Den Gylldene Freden. Waiting for his taxi ride home.
Thursday, September 09, 2021
Nynäshamn Collage
The last Summer visit to Nynäshamn this year. It was a beautiful day. Warm, sunny and not too much wind, perfect for a longish eBike ride around the coastal city. I stopped at a couple of beaches, not too many sunbathers out and about despite the great weather. I noticed more people along the picturesque Strandvägen road that follows the water. I made a last stop at the guest harbor, looking at the different ships there, that is always fun, at least for me. If you would like to see more photos from Nynäshamn I have 800 photos in my flickr set.