Sunday, July 18, 2021

Free books!

Free books!
I like things like this. A bus stop with a little library at Norrskogen on Torö. The normal rule is that if you take a book you should leave one, but I didn't know about it until I saw it earlier in the week. I picked a crime novel by Carolina Neurath, and told the author about it via Twitter and she seemed to like it. I shot this after a longish ride on the eBike on what was probably the warmest day of the Summer so far. And after snapping this I had an equally long ride home. The novel was okay. Two female journalists working together trying to dig up information about a story end up in a very serious situation involving human trafficking, murder and more.


  1. Also nice to kill time while waiting.

  2. A great spot to leave books.

  3. What a perfect spot for one of those free libraries.

  4. A great location for free books. Glad you liked the one that you took.

  5. Love seeing these free little libraries when out and about Steffe, haven't used one yet though. Nice of you to let the author know you enjoyed it ✨

  6. There are two more crime novels from her that I need to check out. So I have a few options now. Buy the books. Go to a real library, (I have a library card somewhere), or check out all these tiny libraries while out on my new eBike!
