Friday, February 12, 2021

Winter Beach

Nickstabadet Icy Water Slide Skate sailing The off-season Ice Fishing
On a cold and beautiful winter day I took the commuter train a few stations south to Nynäsgård. From there I went for a walk down to the Nickstabadet beach. The dive tower is very popular during the Summer as is the water slide. In the Winter time,not so much. The colorful dot on the third photo is a skate sailer out on the frozen Nynäsviken bay. On the last photo what looked to be a father and his daughter ice fishing on the same bay but closer to land.


  1. I can't get over the size of the water slide which really shows up in the winter landscape.

  2. Must be a popular place in Summer. Looks like a fairy tale now, beautiful.

  3. Great winter captures! The diving platform looks nice blended in with all the snow.

  4. Yes, that waterslide really does stand out against the white.

  5. Lovely. Glad you had a train ride there, not on foot.

  6. Beautiful! A little different from my beach Steffe 😉

  7. Beautiful and jarring. Strong visceral reaction at seeing the slide and diving platform in ice!
