Monday, February 22, 2021

Architecture and Lifestyle

The Cultural Centre Robygge
How do you like these buildings? Funky is what I call them. The top one is a hotel, the second one a shop and a (closed), cafe at Ytterjärna. The architect was danish, Erik Asmussen. He got his inspiration from Goetheanum. These buildings are part of the Anthroposophy Centre at Ytterjärna. I don't do religion, but I do like my coffee and my architecture.


  1. The buildings are very interesting architecture wise. I also found interesting your link to anthroposophy which I didn't know anything about.

  2. I love the architecture in the first photo, it's unique and very appealing.

  3. I had a teacher on the architecture academy who was a fervent supporter of the antroposofic architecture of Rudolf Steiner and let us made designs with crystal shapes. I speak now about 50 years ago.
