Saturday, January 02, 2021


Turbinen has started the construction of a new school at Lillgården in Tungelsta. It will be surrounded by the apartment building at Odlargränd that you can see here and by the row-houses and the retirement home also built by the same company a few years ago. The school will be built in a classical style, have around 400 students, and will be operated by Jensen education. The school will open in the Autumn of 2022. I took the photo through a fence at the bus stop yesterday afternoon.


  1. Any school opening is a great leap forward!

  2. The project will fill that area up.

    1. Yes it will. And just across the street on a big field, a new housing area will be built in just a couple of years.

  3. Alltså, hur mycket byggs det ute på Södertörn egentligen? Du har visat bilder under de senaste åren på det ena byggprojektet efter det andra. Imponerande expansivt. Förståeligt om även skolor behöver byggas.

  4. Det byggs mycket, lite för mycket skulle jag tro då ett eller två projekt har avstannat. Här i Haninge bygger man dock fortfarande mycket, speciellt i Handen och runt om i den nya Vegastaden.
