Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Spiral

The Spiral
I have been trying to identify the architect behind this horrible looking spiral that will take visitors to and from the Rudan nature reserve from the Handen commuter station. But wisely it seems whoever it was has managed to cover his or her tracks.


  1. Perhaps also the architect from al those waterslides in swimmingpools.

  2. I thought about this for a minute or so. It's functional, sheltering the users; it doesn't take up much space....I guess I'm not horribly offended. What do you not like about it? It IS odd that people visiting a nature reserve would need to be sheltered from the elements....but what do I know. There are so many people these days going places. I reallly do want to know what you find so bad about it. Other than it's a big plop on the landscape.

  3. It is a staircase, not a shelter, it stands out a bit in it's ugliness. There is an elevator next to it, it is of course functional and I use it myself quite doften cycling up and down. The glass is broken here and there. The municipality gave up on keeping it clean a few years ago.
