Friday, December 11, 2020

The Pub

The Pub
The Pub, (and pizzeria), at Allévägen in Tungelsta, the name of the property is Ålstalund. It dates back to when we got the railway line Nynäsbanan a little over a century ago. Some people claim, without any real evidence that the building was moved from another location in Fors, a few kilometers from here, back in 1901. Back in the early days of the previous century it was known as Svin-Kalles affär owned and operated by Svante Vitus Carlsson. Follow this link to see a photo from way back when of the building. Later it became Sam Larsson's diversehandel. But today it is the local pub.


  1. Nice looking pub. Still looking good and compared to the older photo, it looks like not much has changed to the structure of the building.
