Monday, September 14, 2020

Monochrome Mania

No diving The Stranded Ship
The Jetty Trasig Summer's End A few images that I decided would look good in black and white. The first one is a No Diving sign at the little beach at the Upper Lake at Rudan in Handen. Second photo shows the ceremonial funeral building at the Österhaninge graveyard. It is built in the shape of a stranded ship, turned upside down. At least according to the architects. The design is also meant to look a bit like the medieval church in Österhaninge. I took the third photo at the open-air dance floor overlooking my favorite beach Årsta havsbad. The fourth snap shows a broken jetty along Strandvägen in Nynäshamn. In the background the old spa at Nynäs Havsbad. The fifth photo shows the floating dock at Nickstabadet in Nynäshamn on a recent Summer morning.


  1. All of these shots look good in black and white Steffe, excellent choice 💜
