Sunday, July 12, 2020

Macro Mania at Kapp-Ekeby

Ovanifrån Blåklocka Insect Spotting Brainy Mushroom Ängsnejlika
Out cycling near Kapp-Ekeby at Fors in Västerhaninge I noticed that the cows from the Berga agricultural college were not in the pasture and that the gate was open so I headed that way. I usually visit this place three or four times every year. Two hundred years ago there were two small farms here but they are long gone. It is a good place for a stroll with the camera at any time of the year.


  1. Fabulous macros Steffe, the colours in the last shot are so pretty 🌸

  2. Perfect. But where didi you find such a tiny brain?

  3. These macros are really worth it.

  4. Beautiful macros, Steffe !
