Tuesday, October 15, 2019

When plan fails

Krigslida When plans fail That Old Tree The old farm building
The plan on this day was to take the bike to the National Park and from there take a longish Thursday Walk around one of the lakes at Tyresta. A flat tire just a few kilometers from home put a stop to that idea. Instead, I opted for my usual walk at Välsta, although it's not much fun walking with a bike, but there you go. Anywho, here are four photos from my bike walk last Thursday.


  1. What a great landscape. Especially with those colors.

  2. The old tree is looking lovely.

  3. At least you got those four. Three and four are especially nice. :)

  4. As far as gorgeous photos go there is no fail here Steffe, beautiful shots, loved the old tree in autumn colours 🍁

  5. And I thought my title was quite funny. When plan fails, instea, of When plans fail.
