Monday, September 23, 2019

Crosscart at Högstabanan

Linda Johansson Matilda Adolfsson Alexandra Lejtorp Felicia Walfridson
Some action photos of four female drivers from the Crosscart event at Högstabanan. The first photo shows Linda Johansson. Then comes Matilda Adolfsson. The third photo shows Alexandra Lejtorp in a steep curve. Last but not least we see Felicia Walfridson. I should point out that men and women compete against each other in this sport. It was fun to watch all the action. More to come.


  1. Super duper action shots of these speedy little vehicles, nice work Steffe ✨

  2. What fun shots. Those carts look like they would be loads of fun to race around in.

  3. I believe you on your word but we see great flashing action.
